Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nothing to Blog

Sometimes nothing is going on in life.
Sometimes we have nothing to blog but
our lazy days of cloud watching!

Sometimes we have nothing to do but lean
against a tree
and smile.

Lounge in the grass and watch your
children frolic!

Sometimes you have nothing to blog about
because you just live a simple life,
spent doing nothing!



novidiac said...

Glad you ended with NOT... I was starting to get jealous!
Love the idea of such a relaxing life though.

Jody said...

Cute post! I would love to just have a day to relax. Thanks for reminding me to slow down a bit and take the chance to gaze at the clouds for a while...even if it is only for, oh say, thirty seconds! :) By the way, when are we going to play...I am feeling antsy for some Kim, Connor, and Syd time! We would love to see the whole family even!!

Lara said...

Doing nothing when you have five kids...I knew it was a joke! I love the relaxing photos!

Anonymous said...

I love it when I actually have days like this! Cute pictures!

Saralin said...

Very clever post.

robin said...

I like the NOT too. I'm freaking out about the Christmas season and don't know how I'm going to get everything done in time. Can I just tell my kids that Santa had an accident and is in intensive care this year so there will be no presents? is that wrong??? that's wrong isn't it???

Cate said...

Looking through your blog reminded me that Monty was in my dream last night. I don't remember much of it but that I introduced him as my brother-in-law or near as... Even though miles and years seperate us you are still family (even in my subconsious)