Monday, April 19, 2010

Science Fair Conclusion

I don't want Chandler to read this blog years from now and notice that I put Britton taking first place for his school and not recognize that Chandler also placed for his school for the Science Fair.

Then both boys went on to district...

They both also won blue ribbon's at District and went on the Regionals at BYU.

We had a lot of fun at BYU while they were there competing all day long! They did not win there but what a fun experience that we did not expect. We were very proud of the boys and how well they did with their interviews and working on their projects.

How nice it is also to have it finally over. Those boards were bound to get destroyed in this house!!


Roger Gibson said...

Good job to both your boys. It DOES sound like a long week.

dede said...

nice work boys (and MOM)! Now I know where to go for my vitamin questions!

robin said...

congrats on the Science Fair success. Can't say I'm looking forward to science fair projects. I already had to help out with a book report and two animal projects this last week on top of all of the regular homework and assignments the boys have plus cubscouts. I know this is only the beginning of what I'm in for.