Friday, April 3, 2009


My Camera!
Monte fixed it.
I am happy, the husband who has been known
to put batteries in backwards, fixed my camera!
After I had looked at all the ads, got advice, checked
consumer report...he fixes it!
No new camera with all the cool
new features they have come
out with since we got ours 5 long years ago!
Yeah for me!


dede said...

Sorry - I wish he could of fixed it AFTER you got a new one!

Jodi said...

You should have bought faster. The day it breaks you have to RUN to the store.

Mom on the Go said...

Just out of curiosity.....which camera would you have bought?

kat said...

um, glad your camera is fixed?
way to go monte?

dont feel too bad, my camera is 4 years old but i still dont know how half of the settings on it work, but the ones i do use, i like and i dont really want to learn a new camera all over again lol

maybe your camera will "break" again soon, so keep all your info on the camera you are now crushing on because you might be hooking up with it sooner than you think ;)

Charlene said...

wow, I can just feel the excitement way over here...wait a minute...nope, just the wind!

Saralin said...
