Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Wrong!

I will never understand Spring in Utah.

See my beautiful tulips buried in the snow?
The poor things come up to show me that
winter has left-but no the snow comes back!
Again & Again!
It's Wrong!

Note: I wasn't willing to go outside and take these poor pictures of my tulips

so Kaitlyn did it for me! She also couldn't pass up a chance to take a

picture of herself! Look how cold she is! I am so glad I sacrifice my

child's comfort for my blog!

(but those who know her know how much she loves flowers

and won't turn down a chance to go look at them- so

really I am just feeding her love of nature!)


Charlene said...

is that new camera??? We are expecting a blizzard anytime....wonder if it came from you guys!!!! tulips are beautiful, and Emma loves watching out for the flowers to bloom....if they ever come!?!?!

Lara said...

We've been pretty deprived of snow the last few years, so even snow at the end of March sounds like fun to my kids. As an adult though, I know I would be really tired of winter by then.

At least the snow and tulips makes for some pretty pictures.

Saralin said...

Kaitlyn is such a good sport. Your tulips will survive.

dede said...

it is wrong! what camera are you using? I thought you were going to come get my extra but I just looked up and it is right here!!