Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Family Home Evening

The weather is getting so pretty.

So we took Family Home Evening outside.

Last fall Monte and I bought some

baseball mitts and balls for our family.

So we played catch in the backyard for the evening.

Besides realizing how much spring cleaning

my backyard needs we had a lot of fun.

My favorite part was when we first started,

Connor ran back in the house and came back

with his glove.

That would be an old snow glove he found

in the hall closet.

(And the ball is not sitting on the trampoline,

he through that great pitch!)

Guess we need to go shopping for a

glove for Connor, since he was

too little last year but not this year!


Charlene said...

Hey!! I know you used to play softball when you were younger, where is a picture of you showing off your great skills to those boys of yours?

dede said...

looks like so much fun! I am SO glad it is getting warmer! I think I have a glove if you want it!

Lara said...

That's hilarious. I'm glad you got a picture!

robin said...

sounds like a fun family night activity to me!!!

Saralin said...

I love the ball not sitting on the tramp picture.

Jody said...

Connor is too funny...thanks for putting a smile on my face. I couldn't help but giggle! Where are the pictures of you?