Sunday, August 3, 2008

Picture This!!

Okay Camera still not allowing downloads so you are just going to have to picture this one. My husband just got home last night from the Trek at This is the Place. He was at youth conference. So Friday night we went looking for an outfit that would sort of look pioneerish yet be cheap. We were at Kohl's for something else when we found these cotton pants from Chaps that were vertical pin stripped blue. For $5 he had to buy them for the Trek! Along with a blue button down $6 he was the snazziest pioneer ever!!!
Pin stripped blue pants..........$5
Blue button down...................$6
Monte home after hours of hiking sun burnt and blue sweat stains everywhere
Where is a good download when you need one!


Charlene said...

I wish I could!! Hey, I just got back from my youth conference. It was a blast!!

dede said...

that sounds worth posting after the fact - you can come over here and download if you want (anything to get you blogging again!!)

Shannon P. said...

Kim I cant find your email address to email you my phone number.I was a little nervous about posting it one!

DocMisty said...

LOL - seeing blue-striped Monte legs would be hilarious. You have to post a picture if you ever get it to work!