Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not Now Connor!!

So yesterday I got my Internet back and Connor took advantage of his mother playing. He found the bag of a thousand straws to dump!! Thank you Connor for reminding me I have to be a mommy. So not learning my lesson, I tried to play again! So Connor was eating and I was free to go play for ten minutes or so (right)...

Wrong!!! I forgot to pay attention to Sydney and Sadie!! So they took the time to dump an entire bowl of popcorn all over the floor!! Thanks girl.So since Connor was done eating and heading for the dishwasher detergent under the sink OR...

worse yet the TRASH!!! I better just call it good!! So now that Connor is sitting next to me and I can smell him and hear his grunts I better go back to being a mommy!


dede said...

so funny and relatable - right now chase is on the kitchen table yelling "help" - he is too wimpy to try to get down himself so I still have a few minutes!!

Charlene said...

It just gets worse. The only time I can sit and blog is during Caleb's nap time! He can't even be in the same room, because he discovered how to turn off my computer while blogging!

Jodi said...

I am sure glad that wasn't my daughter causing that mess. I would feel really guilty.

Ginny said...

I feel your pain - Josh just waits for me to get involved with something so he can get involved with something - usually something he shouldn't!

Lara said...

I had to laugh while I read this. My kids are all such opportunists as well...taking advantage of every chance that I may be distracted!