Friday, January 23, 2009

These Boots were Made for Walking...

Notice anything wrong with these boots?

Maybe the fact that one is facing forward
and one is facing backwards!
That's what happens when my almost
2 year old has to put them on

Yes big boy, they are on backwards!!

It seems like he is growing so fast!
But who can resist this guy!?


dede said...

that is awesome!!! Chase is nowhere close to putting on his own shoes - not even backwards!!!

Charlene said...

That is too cute!! I can't believe how much he looks like Chandler!!!

Bobette said...

He is so cute! Sorry I have not checked out your blog for a while! Thanks for adding mine to your list. It makes me feel cool! Thanks for all your sweet comments!

robin said...

I'm just trying to figure out how he walked in the backwards one. OUCH!!!

Saralin said...

That is so funny!!! I love the peek a boo picture.

Ginny said...

What is it about little boys and boots. Alex had a pair of red ones that he wore all the time and I don't think he ever put them on the right way. In fact, he was wearing them when he broke his elbow when he was 3. So cute!!!