Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Over Achiever!

So last night when I put Connor to bed I noticed that he had a few bumps by his ear. I started wondering if maybe he was having an allergic reaction to something. Then this morning he woke up with bumps all over his body and I freaked. I called the doctor's office and they informed me because he had the chicken pox shot 11 days ago it may be chicken pox so I better bring him in this morning. Great Chicken Pox just what I need.
But don't worry he doesn't have the chicken pox he has MEASLES!!!! Our doctor informed us only about 1 in a 100 kids get the measles from the MMR shot. He exclaims, "What an over achiever you are Connor!!" So for all of you good friends that have been with Connor in the last few day he is NOT contagious. He just looks bad.
I feel so bad for him. But he is still smiling and laughing and playing so we are just blessed that we have vaccination that make the measles this instead of what they use to be. Have a great weekend we know we will.


Jodi said...

Good Job Connor. I think your Mom just drew red dots all over so that she doesn't have to come to church tomorrow.

dede said...

I am glad that he is happy - that middle picture is awesome!!! Enjoy your 3 hour break tomorrow!!

Roger Gibson said...

Oh, poor kid! I am grateful for immunizations. Both my girls have had chicken pox (after the shots) and they each got two sores that stayed around for a long time but that's it. No fever, no other sores, not itchiness. It was nice. I'm glad Conner can is handling it well.